SportDOG, suited to upland and multi-dog hunting situations, designed by hunters and dog trainers Read more.
700m SportDog 825X Trainer
Long-range capability up to 700 metres, suited to upland and multi-dog hunting situations, designed by hunters and dog ...
EUR 259,00
- Add-A-Dog 425X & 825X
- Rechargeable
- Waterproof
EUR 169,00
800m SportTrainer SD-875E SportDog
SportTrainer with easy-to-read OLED screen is designed for field training and hunting with close-working dogs
EUR 235,00
SDR-AE collar SD-1825E & SD1275E
Sportdog SDR-AE extra receiver 1200m en 1600m Sporttrainer
EUR 169,00
1200m SportTrainer SD-1275E SportDog
This SportTrainer gives you long distance control and features an easy-to-read OLED screen
EUR 275,00
SportDOG, suited to upland and multi-dog hunting situations, designed by hunters and dog trainers