The 900 Metre Remote Trainer provides communication with your dog at long distances – Ultimate flexibility for any indoo...
Refill can for Ssscat (PPDT19-16170 or PDT45-14119) unscented PPD19-16166
The Trainer provides communication with your dog at long distances – Great for any walk, run or outdoor activity.
The Trainer provides communication with your dog at long distances – Great for any walk, run or outdoor activity
Sportdog SDR-AE extra receiver 1200m en 1600m Sporttrainer
Battery RFA-188 for PetSafe systems: PIG20-11041, PCF-1000-20, PBC45-13339, PBC17-13338, VBC-10, PBC19-11796, PBC19-1244...
PetSafe 10 m collarless trainer ultrasonic PUPT-100-19
The PetSafe SMART DOG Trainer is the newest way (by smartphone) to train your dog!
Using the 100 Metre Remote Trainer you can easily improve the communication between you and your dog